- 英国议会parliament
- 下议院house of commons
- 主要实际权力机构,650个Members of Parliament(MPs)对应650个选区
- 五年一次大选
- 赢得多数席位(半数席位326席及以上)的政党党魁成为首相prime minister
- prime minister挑选20位大臣cabinet ministers组成内阁
- 上议院house of lords
- 负责审查,约800名,都是贵族
- 君主monarch
除上述之外,还有庞大的支持体系:文官civil service,非政治性公务员,属于support staff,提供行政支持
- Jim Hacker
- sir Humphrey Appleby
- Bernard Woolley
- get a post 获得一个职位
- the celebration do一个庆祝聚会
- I’ve had it 我受够了,表情绪上的疲惫或不耐烦
- pop out 短暂外出
- be obliges to 被迫/不得不,还表感激。这含义也是某种义务,表感激时意指欠人情
- how on earth 表惊讶,你是怎么……
- polling booth 投票隔间
- spare parts备用零件
- My whole career is going down the drain and up the spout 打水漂,drain下水口spout水壶出水口
- Hardly for me to say我说了不算
- It’s not up to me to say这不由我做主
- Top tip for the Department of Administrative Affairs is Jim Hacker小窍门,本句指DAA(行政事务部)的最佳人选是哈克
- genned up透彻
- in a rut陷于思维定势
- Were they genuinely amused at my wit, or just being rather patronising? 假意亲切实则居高临下地对待:他们是真的被我的机智逗乐了,还是只是有点屈尊俯就?;也可以表达光顾(商店、餐馆)
- cut a great swathe through all this stuffy Whitehall bureaucracy. 切透白厅官僚主义密不透风的层层包裹
- swathe = a large area or strip, 大片区域;
- stuffy 古板僵化的
- cut through all the red tape and streamline this creaking old bureaucratic machine.砍掉所有的繁文缛节精简这台老旧的官僚机器
- red tape 比喻性,繁文缛节,原指用来缠绕官方文件的红丝带
- streamline 原义流线型,引申指简化、优化
- creaking 因老旧或压力发出的嘎吱声,引申用于形容体系或结构的陈旧低效
- getting rid of摆脱、处理掉
- redeploy调动,重新部署
- reduce overmanning减少人员过剩
- putting people out of work导致人们失业
- draft proposals政策草案
- bollocks英式俚语,蛋;balls美式
- I’m afraid that Humphrey might have delusions of grandeur..我担心汉弗莱可能有妄自尊大的想法。
- delusion 错觉,妄想
- grandeur 宏伟,壮丽,用来形容高贵、权威或重要性
- I’m certainly not going to be slack! 我当然不会松懈!
- To be quite truthful, I didn’t actually realise it till he barged into my office, shouting and carrying on, demanding to be let in.老实说,我并没有真正意识到这一点,直到他冲进我的办公室,大喊大叫,要求让我进去。
- realise 意识到,明白
- barge 猛撞、闯入
- shout and carry on 大惊小怪
- If they were not so charming and, well, gentlemanly, you might have thought they were trying to squeeze Frank right out.如果他们不是那么迷人,那么绅士风度,你可能会认为他们正试图排挤弗兰克。
- 时间错配,假设的是当前情况,主句反应过去的可能性
- thingumy 不重要的事或人
- rock the boat 打破平衡,制造麻烦或引发不必要的争议
- man overboard 处于危险境地或被抛弃,原义为航海中的紧急呼叫(有人落水)
- Everyone of them would have been a laughing stock within his first three months had it not been for the most rigid and impenetrable secrecy about what they were up to.如果不是因为他们所做的事情极其严格和不可揭穿的保密,他们每个人在任职的头三个月内都会成为笑柄。
- 主语Everyone of them
- 谓语would have been表示过去的假设,been作系动词用,构成主系表
- 表语(主语补语)a laughing stock被嘲笑的对象
- 时间状语with his first three months
- 虚拟语气+倒装结构had it not been for表示“如果没有”,正常语序应当是:if it had not been for…,it是形式主语,实际主语:
- the most rigid and impenetrable secrecy最严格和难以渗透的保密措施
- 介词短语about what they were up to关于他们正在做的事情
- by the short and curlies 抓住小辫子
- bloody 强调语气,类似该死的
- He is running rings around Sir Humphrey.套圈了,他轻松碾压了汉弗莱
- But surely you’re not suggesting that the Minister should make a positive reference to this confidential transaction in a speech? 但你肯定不是建议部长在演讲中积极提及这一机密交易吧?
- 虚拟语气
- fob off 用劣质东西打发某人
- smart aleck 自以为聪明的人
- the dole 失业救济金,非正式微贬义
- unemployment benefits 失业津贴,含义中性
- I was appalled. Not only by my bad luck. But I find it incredible that I, as a member of the Cabinet, should have no knowledge of forthcoming defence agreements with the Americans. Whatever has happened to the doctrine of collective responsibility that I learned about at the LSE?
- gaping, gape 过度敞开的
- precipitate
- reappraisal
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